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Discourse on the Death of Gen. Joseph K.F. Mansfield, Preached in the South Congregational C... by John Langdon Dudley, Ya Pam... ISBN: 9781359610201 List Price: $19.95
Correspondence Between S. Teackle Wallis, Esq. by Dr John Sherman, Ya Pamphle... ISBN: 9781359605733 List Price: $19.95
Charter and Proceedings of the Board of Commissioners of the Soldiers' National Cemetery Ass... by Ya Pamphlet Collection DLC ISBN: 9781359340139 List Price: $19.95
Portraits and Sketches of the Lives of All the Candidates for the Presidency and Vice-Presid... by Ya Pamphlet Collection DLC ISBN: 9781359246479 List Price: $21.95
General Fremont, and the Injustice Done Him by Politicians and Envious Military Men by William Brotherhead, Ya Pam... ISBN: 9781359507532 List Price: $19.95
Diplomatic Services of George William Erving by Ya Pamphlet Collection DLC,... ISBN: 9781359505248 List Price: $19.95
New Amsterdam, New Orange, New York, with Chronological Data by Ya Pamphlet Collection DLC,... ISBN: 9781359657275 List Price: $21.95
Lessons of Encouragement from the Times of Washington by George Lewis Prentiss, Ya P... ISBN: 9781359516060 List Price: $19.95
J. L. M. Curry by Edwin Anderson Alderman, Ya... ISBN: 9781359515476 List Price: $19.95
The Southern Loyalists' Convention: Call for a Convention of Southern Unionists, to Meet at ... by Ya Pamphlet Collection DLC,... ISBN: 9781359571656 List Price: $21.95
National Thanksgiving: A Sermon, Preached in the First Presbyterian Church of Cranbury, New ... by Ya Pamphlet Collection DLC,... ISBN: 9781359531599 List Price: $19.95
The Valley of Achor, a Door of Hope; Or, the Grand Issues of the War. a Discourse, Delivered... by Henry Clay Fish, Ya Pamphle... ISBN: 9781359595669 List Price: $19.95
Speech of Mr. Rayner, of North Carolina, on the Question of the Reception of Abolition Petit... by Kenneth Rayner, Ya Pamphlet... ISBN: 9781359351159 List Price: $19.95
The Material Bearing of the Tennessee Campaign in 1862 Upon the Destinites of Our Civil War by Ya Pamphlet Collection DLC ISBN: 9781359344533 List Price: $19.95
The Old College and the New, an Address Delivered at the Commencement of the Virginia Polyte... by Charles William Dabney, Ya ... ISBN: 9781359620316 List Price: $19.95
The Spirituality and Independence of the Church: A Speech Delivered in the Synod of New York... by Ya Pamphlet Collection DLC,... ISBN: 9781359467102 List Price: $21.95
Speech of Major-General John A. Logan on Return to Illinois, After Capture of Vicksburg by John Alexander Logan, Ya Pa... ISBN: 9781359373168 List Price: $19.95
Christian Duty. Three Discourses Delivered in the First Congregational Unitarian Church of P... by William Henry Furness, Ya P... ISBN: 9781359370570 List Price: $19.95
A Lecture on the Importance of a Christian Basis for the Science of Political Economy, and I... by Professor John Hughes Mbbs ... ISBN: 9781359382634 List Price: $19.95
Memorial Addresses on the Character and Public Services of the REV. Samuel Ware Fisher, D.D.... by Ya Pamphlet Collection DLC ISBN: 9781359532480 List Price: $21.95
Thomas Law: A Biographical Sketch by Ya Pamphlet Collection DLC,... ISBN: 9781359590626 List Price: $19.95
The Military and Naval Situation, and the Glorious Achievements of Our Soldiers and Sailors by William Swinton, Ya Pamphle... ISBN: 9781359353047 List Price: $19.95
Opening Argument of Mr. Butler, of Massachusetts, One of the Managers on the Impeachment of ... by Dr Andrew Johnson, Ya Pamph... ISBN: 9781359350473 List Price: $19.95
Obituary Addresses Delivered on the Occasion of the Death of the Hon. John C. Calhoun, a Sen... by Joseph Meredith Toner Colle... ISBN: 9781359536167 List Price: $19.95
A Speech Delivered at the Democratic Celebration by the Citizens of the Second Congressional... by Ya Pamphlet Collection DLC,... ISBN: 9781359576736 List Price: $19.95
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